Monday, 23 May 2016

Helping Animals

Last week our focus value was being SAFE which linked nicely into the Dog Education programme. The children of Room 13 loved having the Dog Education team from CCC visit us, but it got us wondering. Are all dogs owned by responsible dog owners? Are all dogs happy and healthy? What happens to the dogs when they get taken to the pound? Then we saw this...

Oh no! It made us feel very sad. How can we make the dogs happy and healthy who don't have a loving family?
"Let's make some dog toys!" Said Room 13. So we did!!!

We had to work with a buddy to create our toys. We used; material, old tennis balls and a lot of teamwork. Miss Drake saw people using their manners, taking turns, helping others, giving compliments, problem solving, communicating and most of all, having fun!

Check out some of the great teamwork going on in these photos.


  1. What great team work! I hope some of the dog rescue organisationa are happy to receive your awesome toys.

  2. How generous Room 13! I am sure the dogs who get to play with your toys will be very happy!
