Wednesday, 31 August 2016

Circle Time - What makes a good friend?

This afternoon we embraced the sunshine and went outside for Circle Time. Today's focus was on "what makes a good friend?".

These are our Circle Time rules.

We make sure we are super respectful during Circle Time so everyone's thoughts, feelings and ideas are heard.

We warmed up by introducing ourselves in Te Reo. It was a little tricky, but with more practise I know we will have some success.

Next we had a movement game where we had to carefully listen to instuctions. "Stand up and move if..." Said Miss Drake.

 Then we broke off into groups of 3 to discuss our thinking around what makes a good friend?
(make sure your volume is up)

 Finally, we headed over to the playground for a quick play before class. Oh no! Lily and Tiago must have caught the blues. Luckily we have some amazing friends in Room 13 who knew exactly what to do. Check out these children who noticed something was wrong and used their initiative to stay behind and help their friends. Miss Drake is so proud of you.

Aileen to the rescue!
Ben to the rescue too!
Everyone needs a cuddle now and then.
What lovely friends you all are.
"Come and play with me, Tiago," said Aileen.


  1. Sorry everyone I just need to play around with some settings so you can all view the videos - watch this space!

  2. Hopefully they work now. Please let me know if they don't :)

  3. Hopefully they work now. Please let me know if they don't :)

  4. What beautiful videos! Such wonderful understandings of friendship already tamariki. He hoa whakahirahira koutou! Hopefully the whether will improve again so you can have lots of outside circle times...
