Monday, 31 October 2016

Computational Thinking - Programming Bee- Bots

Look what arrived in Room 13 today...

BEE - BOTS!!!!

We talked about what programming is and what different types of machines need programming.

Then we had a chance to figure out what these Bee - Bots could do.
"They can go forwards, backwards and side to side," said Isabella. "They don't do it on their own we need to push the buttons!" Said Nina

Once we fiqured out how to programme the Bee Bots (without Miss Drake even showing us!) we were introduced a problem that needed our help!

"The bee needs to get to the flower and collect nectar to take back to its hive," said Miss Drake.

Then it got tricky...

Some of our programming didn't work and we had to keep trying over and over again.

But there was so much success when we achieved our challenge!

When we reflected we realised that during our play with the Bee Bots we actually had to use a whole heap of different skills like;
* Programming
* Problem Solving
* Counting
* Adding
* Subtracting
* Communicating
* Sharing
* Thinking
* Planning
* Observing
* Reflecting

But most of all it was... FUN!


  1. Wow Room 13 these look like so much fun!

  2. That looks awesome Room 13. We share the worst and best things of our day at dinner time and the Bee Bots have been Eddie's best best thing in ages!!

  3. Wow, what fun! Isaac was excited to do programming with his peers :)

  4. Hi Im Tony's sister .
    Tony enioys doing basketball.
    I play games with basketball games with Tony
