Monday, 7 March 2016

Our First PMP Session

Today we went to the hall to participate in our very first PMP (Perceptual Motor Program) session. It is designed to improve children's fine and gross motor skills.
We focused on;
* jumping
* crawling
* bouncing
* throwing
* rolling

Miss Drake asked the children of Room 13 what their favourite activity was. Here are their answers.

Ambbar - My favourite was hopping on the red Moon Hopper.
Aileen - I liked crawling throught the shapes.
Aoife - I liked crawling throught the shapes too.
Ben - My favourite was the Dizzy Lizzy.
Eddie - I liked the Dizzy Lizzy.
Elijah - I liked marching over the hurdles.
Faiqah - I liked crawling through the tunnel.
Hunter -  I liked spinning in the Dizzy Lizzy.
Isaac - My favourite was going on the Dizzy Lizzy.
Isabella - I liked playing in the Dizzy Lizzy.
Lucy - I liked going through the shapes.
Lily - I liked the Dizzy Lizzy.
Molly - I liked the memory game.
Nina - I liked the Dizzy Lizzy.
Oscar - I liked the Dizzy Lizzy.
Tony - I liked the bouncy Moon Hopper.
Tilly - I liked playing in the shapes and the tunnel.


  1. Isaac told me all about going back to PMP and the return of the Dizzy Lizzy!

  2. It was awesome to read all of your comments about PMP Room 13. You have had such fun and are really cool movers! I love your little uTube video and the music that goes with it. Keep having fun! Mrs Dudley
