Monday, 14 March 2016

Let's build a city together

What's going to work...?      TEAM WORK!!

Today we read a story called Friends Together. In the story the friends got lost and they had to work together to send out a rescue message. Luckily for them it worked.

Room 13 had an idea. We thought we could build a city together. It would need to take team work.

"What does team work look like and sound like?" asked Miss Drake.

"Friends sharing equipment and helping each other," said Eddie.
"Using your manners," said Molly.
"We could share with others," said Lily.
"Taking turns with equipment," said Lucy.
"Join in with others," said Elijah.
"Give each other compliments," said Nina.
"Asking for equipment nicely," said Isabella.

1 comment:

  1. That looks like impressive teamwork! Mahitahi tamariki mā!
