Wednesday, 18 May 2016

Ah - ah - ah - CHOOOOOO!

Today Room 13 discovered a poem called Sniff and Sneeze.

After reading it we thought... "I wonder why we sneeze and cough when we are sick?"

Jessica said "Our bodies are trying to get all the germs out of our body"

Then Nina added, "Then all the germs spread to everyone else."

Miss Drake had an idea... "Would you like to see what happens when you sneeze?"
  Miss Drake blew up a balloon that was full of confetti germs. Oh no! AH AH AH CHOOOO!!!!
POP! goes the balloon and the germs went everywhere....
The germs landed on Isabella's head!
"Ewwww, germs on my arm!" Said Ambbar
Oh no! The germs landed on Elijah too.
Poor Isaac, I hope he doesn't get sick.
Quick Eddie, wash your hands before you get sick too.
I think it may be too late for Tiago. He's looking rather ill.
 "How can we look after each other and keep them safe when we are feeling sick?" Asked Miss Drake.

 "I know!" said Jessica. "We can sneeze into the inside of our elbow so our germs don't spread, Like this."

"Or we could use a tissue!" Said Faiqah

This got our writing bug going. Check out some of the amazing ideas and explinations from Elijah and Ben.

'You are the castle and the soldiers look after you. They are inside your body. The soldiers kill the germs in your body.' By Elijah

'Inside your body are antibodies. They kill the germs. Antibodies live inside minerals and vitamins. Sometimes the doctor can give you a special needle full of antibodies to help fight the bad germs'. By Ben

By Lucy


  1. Great to see room 13 learning how to keep themselves healthy.

  2. Wow what a cool way of showing how far germs can spread!

  3. Wow Room 13! Lots of great learning going on here! You could teach lots of children at our school about staying healthy. I love how you were so curious after reading your poem.
    Mr Dolan

  4. Room 13 I had quite a wee giggle reading this post! Well done for understanding the importance of keeping ourselves safe and those around us when we are sick. Mrs Wylie
