Monday, 13 June 2016

Discovery - Don't Give Up

Sorry for the late post - had some troubles getting these photos off my device.

Last week our focus for Discovery was to never give up. We explored some times where we found something tricky and how it made us feel. Then we realised when we don't give up and we keep on trying we feel happy at the end. We like to call it SUCCESS!!

Check out Toto's perserverance... I wonder how he would feel at the end of his efforts?

Room 13's challenge was to turn a boring old piece of newspaper into a costume. We knew it would be tricky but we wern't going to give up. We knew that if we tried our best and gave our best effort we would feel successful at the end.


  1. Ahh that was really cool! Great to see perseverance and resilience as part of their learning. Go room 13!

  2. Well done Room 13 - I loved seeing all the things you achieved when you didn't give up Ka Pai!

  3. Great costumes Room 13 and what a great attitude you have! Kia kaha koutou!

  4. What a great challenge you tried Room 13 and I loved the music and lyrics you chose to go with your video! There are some really creative costumes there and i can just imagine how hard it would have been when things went wrong, but you did it in the end! All the costumes were awesome but my favourites were the mermaids. Keep challenging yourselves Room 13.
